Dec 2, 2009
COP Side Event: Financing Climate Change
The following trade union as well as civil society organizations will take part and present their positions on this issue: ITUC, ETUC; COSATU - South Africa, GEFONT and NTUC – Nepal, CCOO – Spain, Oxfam, Climate Justice and Sustainlabour.
More information here. Leer más...
COP Side Event: Women Workers and Green Jobs
Where does equality remain in the promotion of green jobs? If green employment represents the jobs of the future, they must also be jobs for women. Is this variable integrated into current proposals? The Sustainlabour Foundation and the ITUC have opened a debate as part of the first reflection on this issue in the form of a draft report entitled ¨Women Workers and Green Jobs: Employment, Equity and Equality¨ to be presented Wednesday, December 16 in the World of Work Pavilion at 15:00 – 16:00.
More information here. Leer más...
Nov 25, 2009
Preparations for Copenhangen – the trade union WoW pavilion
Among the activities set to take place, Sustainlabour will participate in the organization of two events on Wednesday, December 16. In addition, as part of the joint UNEP/Sustainlabour programme on Labour and Environment, Sustainlabour will provide assistance to the trade union delegation and facilitate the participation unionists in the negotiation processes.
Finally the premier of a video, produced jointly by Sustainlabour and the ITUC, about Trade Unions and Climate Change will be held at the closing of the WoW Pavilion in the Worker´s Museum on December 16, from 20:00 to 22:00.
More information will soon be available. Leer más...
Nov 1, 2009
Women Workers and Green Jobs report
For more information click here. Leer más...
Climate change talks in Barcelona
More information here. Leer más...
Oct 5, 2009
First Trade Union Conference on Labour and Environment
See here for more information. Leer más...
Sep 2, 2009
Launch of pesticides project in Western Africa
With the support of Sustainlabour the project aims to strengthen workers skills and knowledge on occupational health and safety, and the environment in these two sectors, which are known for their use of high levels of pesticides. Leer más...
Sep 1, 2009
Food Crisis and Climate Change
Over the two day workshop participants analyzed the causes of the deteriorating state of global food availability. This included discussion about financial factors; unequal distribution of land; unsustainable use of natural resources such as water, and threats to biodiversity, along with a special analysis of the impacts of climate change on agriculture. Leer más...
Jul 29, 2009
ITUC-Africa: Candidate selected in charge of addressing Environment and Occupational health themes
The successful candidate, Yahya Msangi, will be in charge of work in this area pertaining to climate change, sustainable development, chemical risk and occupational health are challenges so that these themes are better reflected in ITUC-Africa’s agenda.
Mr. Yahya Msangi has many years of experience working with trade union movements and is a great reference person in the area of chemical risk and occupational health especially in the agricultural sector. Yahya has collaborated and supported several of Sustainlabour´s activities undertaken in the past few years and we extend him a warm welcome as he assumes his new post. Leer más...
Jul 20, 2009
Africa: Food Crisis and Climate Change Seminar
The seminar hopes to create a space a for discussion regarding the causes of the deteriorating state of global food availability including financial factors; unequal distribution of land; unsustainable use of natural resources such as water, and threats to biodiversity, along with a special analysis of the impacts of climate change on agriculture. Another premise of the event is to develop a regional plan of action for the coordination of trade union activity in this area. Trade union representatives from more than 25 countries as well as experts from various international organizations will be in attendance. Leer más...
Jul 8, 2009
Sustainlabour and the IUF: Global Pesticides Project in francophone Africa
Jul 4, 2009
Sustainlabour delivers training session in renewable energies with workers in Peru
The session took place in the Centre for Technical Training in Applied Technologies (CEDECAP) in Cajamarca. Sustainlabour organized the event in cooperation with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and Practical Solutions ITDG. This project is part of the joint UNEP-Sustainlabour programme on Labour and Environment. Leer más...
Jul 2, 2009
Trade Unions at the OECD Conference on Nanotechnology
Trade Unions will participate in the Conference in order to bring forward general concerns and input as food for thought in the area related to the occupational health aspects of nanotechnologies. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) will participate in the opening plenary to address these issues. Leer más...
Jun 13, 2009
Climate change: Sustainlabour continues its work on the road to Copenhagen
Over the past few weeks there has been positive news for the trade union movement. The “chair’s official negotiation text”, which was published a few weeks prior to the meeting and which will form the basis for climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, includes the recognition of the need for a just transition for workers who will be the most affected by the carbon emission reduction efforts. Trade unions’ and the ITUC’s hard work has paid off. More information is available here. Leer más...
Jun 5, 2009
Sustainlabour: launching of the training guides in Russian
May 18, 2009
The trade unions make themselves heard during the CSD
Sustainlabour and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) organized an event on the 11th May entitled “In the context of a multiple crisis (food, labor, financial, climatic): a new global compromise on agriculture?”. 40 delegates, of which a number of governmental representatives, took part in the workshop. Speakers included Danila Boneba, the United Nations rapporteur on the right to Food, and Katishi Masemole, general secretary of COSATU, among others. The director of Sustainlabour, Laura Martin (who also made a presentation) and Anabella Rosemberg of the ITUC were present at the meeting. Leer más...
UNEP-Sustainlabour: training on renewable energies in Peru
May 16, 2009
Sustainlabour at the International Conference on Chemical Management
Questions about the actions to undertake on emerging issues such as chemicals in products, lead in paints, electronic waste, nanotechnology and nanomaterials were part of the discussion. Also basic questions on rules of procedure and how to monitor the progress in achieving the goals were part of the agenda.
Although progress in some areas was observed, there was important disappointment on others as for example the outcomes on nanotechnologies which did not success to adequately address occupational health and safety issues. Leer más...
May 9, 2009
United Nations Comission on Sustainable Development: Sustainlabour prepares a side event
Sustainlabour and the International Trade Union Confederation, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, organise a side event on the 11th in United Nations building. The event will be focused on hunger and changes in agriculture in the contexts of crisis. ITUC will also present a report on the Food Crises “A Recipe for Hunger. How the World is Failing on Food”.
On 6th May, Laura Martín, director of Sustainlabour, spoke to the plenary in representation of trade unions groups to call for the inclusion of fundamental issues such as the need to increase the incomes on rural and urban workers and guarantee that agriculture works for their communities. She also defended the need to include occupational health issues in the final text. Martín expressed trade unions disappointment because there was just a single minute for civil society interventions, and thanked United States governments for its attempt to increase trade unions participation. Leer más...
May 6, 2009
Bonn Climate Change Talks
May 1, 2009
Second Conference on Labour and Environment in Latin America and the Caribbean
One of the main objectives of the event is to provide information to the trade union movement on both issues. In fact, trade unions have been working in recent years in climate change and sound management of chemicals, and its consequences for workers.
On climate change, it was expressed the need to advance towards a consolidated, common trade union position to be defended at the upcoming United Nations Framework Conference in Copenhagen. On chemicals management, the conference mostly focus on training with the objective to place Trade Unions in a better position to demand more chemical health and safety programs to public and private sectors.
For more information on the conference, documents, etc. visit TUCA's site here
Leer más...Apr 6, 2009
Trade union conference on Labour and Environment in Latin America and the Caribbean
Mar 17, 2009
2009 UNEP Governing Council: one of these years to be remembered
The last Governing Council of UNEP will be probably be remembered as the begging of the end for mercury. It has been finally approved to establish a legally binding instrument on mercury, commencing the work of the first intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) in 2010. After more than nine years advocating on the need to elaborate a legally-binding mechanism to control, reduce and eliminate mercury; this agreement is indeed an important step forward and really good news –a prolonged applause accompanied the decision, that some defined to be a moment of shared spirit of compromise.
The change of position on mercury of the recently new US administration has been one of the most expected political movements, and it has happened. Although they did not go as far as leaving the door clearly open to use this instrument to add other hazardous substance as lead and cadmium, the change of position and attitude it is in itself relevant. Let’s hope this more concealing and compromised position will be the attitude in the rest of the environmental forums.
At this meeting, UNEP has also presented a report called “Green New Deal” in which puts forward the need to integrate environmental questions as part of the economic response and measures that are being articulated to address current crises and to move towards a green economy. The report presents the opportunities that this crisis might open and expresses the need to redirect investments and policies towards those sectors that incorporate the environmental dimension.
The notion of green economy has been used by many of the Ministers and delegates during the Ministerial Consultations, though definitions have not been always the same. It was largely presented the positive opportunities of access into market, employment, investment… Many countries presented project on the “green” -particularly renewable energies.
Besides this, it has prevailed a certain shared sentiment mainly amongst the developing countries that this new green innovations will only benefit and will be accessible in developed countries. So aspects as the need to integrate social redistribution, making the link with the agenda of poverty eradication and the need to change the current model were launched at the debate but some of them were left quite aside.
You can download the report on the UNEP Green New Deal here. The Trade Union statement can be dowloaded here, and one of the inverventions made in Plenary at the Minsterial Consultations here.
Leer más...Feb 10, 2009
Conference on Good Jobs, Green Jobs
For more information visit our website. Leer más...