Dec 16, 2007

Going out of Bali with an agreement weak in objectives, but strong in process

Sustainlabour was present at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 3 to 14 December 2007 in Bali. (COP 13)

Jointly with different Trade Unions Sustainlabour organized a number of working seminars on adaptation, public transport, amongst others.

A look at the results of the meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC):

Governments at the Convention on Climate Change have come to a weak document in terms greenhouse gas emission reduction objectives, but have managed to agree on a “Road Map” that will be the basis of future negotiation on climate change.

Governments have recognised the urgency of action on climate change, and declared to have made important concessions. However, the political response risks of not being ambitious enough to respond to what scientists have raised, and so to timely cope with the huge tasks ahead.

Last negotiation round ended with the acceptance from the US to take the G77 and China demands on measurable, reportable and verifiable aid for technology and capacity building. This last round left the US visibly alone and finally recognized what has been the main demand from developing countries: the need for a real transfer of technology.

To read more on this click here.

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