Nov 26, 2008
UNEP Regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean
At the Regional Consultation trade Unions were also represented by the person in charge of international and environmental issues at CGT-RA, who participated in the Climate Change Working Group, while Sustainlabour was part of the Chemicals Working Group.
Trade unions concerns were integrated to the conclusions of the working groups, such as giving
more relevance to just transition issues at the international environmental agenda, and
establishing social and labour criteria as, for example, compliance with ILO standards. Leer más...
Nov 21, 2008
A manual on chemical risk: "Sound and Sustainable Management on chemicals"
Nov 20, 2008
UNEP Regional Consultative Meeting for Europe
each of the UNEP regions.
Sustainlabour was present for the meeting held in Geneva, 17-18 November 2008 and made an introductory presentation on the Global Civil Society Forum Cycle to all participants present. Sustainlabour also followed the working group on climate change related to the Work Program (2010-2011), and made contributions to three different parts of the European Regional statement to what relates to (i) Globalization and the Environment: Global Crises or National Chaos?; (ii) IEG and UN reform: Help or Hindrance? And the Work Program (2010-2011). Leer más...
Climate change, a training manual for workers and trade unions
It can be downloaded from our website. Leer más...
Nov 18, 2008
Regional Conference on Labour and Environment for Asia Pacific
A Regional Conference on “Labour and the Environment” for Asia Pacific it will take place from 26th to 28th november in Jakarta (Indonesia). The conference will count with the participation of more than 30 trade union organizations of 30 countries approximately.
A good occasion to address a number of issues. To look into the climate change effects in the region and its consequences on employment, to discus on the major environmental, health and labour challenges in the area, to focus on the key elements for a sound and sustainable chemical management. And of course, to present successful Trade Union action on these issues that can be seen as good example to encourage others action.
If you want to see the complete programme of the Regional Conference on Work and Environment for Asia Pacific, please click here.
Leer más...Poznan COP 14. Climate change training sessions for trade union delegation
In the context of COP 14, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Sustainlabour is organising some training and debating sessions in Poznan (Poland).
Interesting to follow up! A global programme on Labour and the Environment
Sustainlabour jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is running a biannual programme on “Labour and the Environment”. It was initiated a few months ago in April 2007, and it will go up to June 2009. This is the first programme of such a kind, which aims at improving engagement of workers and trade unions in the development and implementation of environmental policies. Now more than ever, workers involvement in a new and more sustainable development is needed.
This programme addresses two working areas -Climate change and Sound and Sustainable Management of Chemicals- and it has three main objectives: increasing awareness of environmental issues among workers and trade unions; increasing capacities of workers and trade unions to develop actions and projects with an environmental dimension at the workplaces and increasing participation of workers and trade unions in international environmental meetings.
The programme is funded by the Government of Spain.
The project develops activities in four regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. What are the main actions? Activities will focus on public awareness, capacity building and implementation of key projects based on already existing good and successful trade union experiences.
This programme aims also at reinforcing dialogue with other civil society groups to build partnerships and synergies to address better environmental challenges and eradicating poverty.
Urging and shaping a different development! Socially fair, environmentally friendly
Leer más...Nov 11, 2008
Trade Unions' projects on climate change and chemical risk
Out of all these experiences, four of them have been used as the basis to develop concrete projects in other countries. Learning from good examples! Leer más...