Sustainlabour jointly with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is running a biannual programme on “Labour and the Environment”. It was initiated a few months ago in April 2007, and it will go up to June 2009. This is the first programme of such a kind, which aims at improving engagement of workers and trade unions in the development and implementation of environmental policies. Now more than ever, workers involvement in a new and more sustainable development is needed.
This programme addresses two working areas -Climate change and Sound and Sustainable Management of Chemicals- and it has three main objectives: increasing awareness of environmental issues among workers and trade unions; increasing capacities of workers and trade unions to develop actions and projects with an environmental dimension at the workplaces and increasing participation of workers and trade unions in international environmental meetings.
The programme is funded by the Government of Spain.
The project develops activities in four regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. What are the main actions? Activities will focus on public awareness, capacity building and implementation of key projects based on already existing good and successful trade union experiences.
This programme aims also at reinforcing dialogue with other civil society groups to build partnerships and synergies to address better environmental challenges and eradicating poverty.
Urging and shaping a different development! Socially fair, environmentally friendly
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